Inglês, perguntado por polyana1775, 9 meses atrás

Transforme as perguntas diretas em perguntas indiretas das 'Wh' Questions,
EXEMPLO: Who is she? → Could you tell me who she is?
a) When must she leave? →
(Quando ela deve partir?)
b) How was the film? →
(Como foi o filme?)
c) What is this? →
(O que é isso?)
d) Why were they so late? →
(Por que eles estavam tão atrasados?)
e) When is the party? →
(Quando é a festa?)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rayssarocha970


could you tell me when she should leave?

could you tell me how the movie went?

Could you tell me what this is?

could you tell me why they were so late?

Could you tell me when the party is?


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