traduzir para inglês .
2 xícaras (chá) de açúcar
3 xícaras (chá) de farinha de trigo
4 colheres (sopa) de margarina
3 ovos
1 e 1/2 xícara (chá) de leite
1 colher (sopa) bem cheia de fermento em pó
1 Bata as claras em neve e reserve
2 Misture as gemas, a margarina e o açúcar até obter uma massa homogênea
3 Acrescente o leite e a farinha de trigo aos poucos, sem parar de bater
4 Por último, adicione as claras em neve e o fermento
5 Despeje a massa em uma forma grande de furo central untada e enfarinhada
6 Asse em forno médio 180 °C, preaquecido, por aproximadamente 40 minutos ou ao furar o bolo com um garfo, este saia limpo
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
2 cups sugar
3 cups (tea) wheat flour
4 tablespoons margarine
3 eggs
1 and 1/2 cup (tea) milk
1 tablespoon full of baking powder
1 Beat the egg whites and reserve
2 Mix the egg yolks, margarine and sugar until a homogeneous mass
3 Slowly add the milk and flour, without batting
4 Lastly, add the egg whites and the yeast
5 Pour the dough into a large greased and floured central bore
6 Bake in medium oven 180 ° C, preheated, for about 40 minutes or when piercing the cake with a fork, this skirt clean
2 cups sugar
3 cups (tea) wheat flour
4 tablespoons margarine
3 eggs
1 and 1/2 cup (tea) milk
1 tablespoon full of baking powder
1 Beat the egg whites and reserve
2 Mix the egg yolks, margarine and sugar until a homogeneous mass
3 Slowly add the milk and flour, without batting
4 Lastly, add the egg whites and the yeast
5 Pour the dough into a large greased and floured central bore
6 Bake in medium oven 180 ° C, preheated, for about 40 minutes or when piercing the cake with a fork, this skirt clean
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