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(Olá, espero muito que você leia esse texto, isso significa muito pra mim!
Vocês mudarão completamente a minha vida meu jeito de pensar de saber lidar com os problemas, eu era uma pessoa tímida não sabia me interagir com as pessoas ficava presa em mim mesma quando eu escutava as musicas da banda isso me fácil melhor, eu me sentia bem, dai entao eu queria escrever um texto para agradecer a você mas também a banda por proporcionar alegria e boas musicas para nos. Eu me apaixonei mais pela musica quando eu conheci o trabalho de vocês, a dedicação de proporcionar musica que possa nos trazer retorno, que possamos nos sentir bem ao ouvi-las, vocês me ensinaram que não importa sua personalidade, religião, raça, todos nos temos que respeitar uns aos outros, a musica me traz um conforto, é muito bom ver bandas crescendo e tendo expirações através de vocês, eu me sinto tão orgulhosa com isso, vejo vários covers no youtube com bandas crescendo com a influencia de vocês, e pensar que vocês faziam covers no youtube e hoje estão tocando ao redor do mundo, essa banda significa muito não só para mim, mas para muitos, obrigada por tudo!
Ashton, você é uma pessoa muito especial na minha vida, suas palavras, seu jeito de pensar sobre a sociedade e simplesmente lindo, você me faz crescer mais e mais, quando eu estava vendo The new broken scene live e você falou aquele discurso, me tocou e parei para pensar como ele se importa com nos, isso me ajudou muito, eu gosto muito de tecnologia, eu pensei em criar um projeto pra incentivar mais adolescentes para a tecnologia, isso me deu mais forças para lutar, eu só tenho a agradecer a você por proporcionar esse carinho e amor que você tem pelos fãs, muito muito obrigado.
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hello, I really hope you read this text, it means a lot to me.
You completly changed my life and the way I think, and the way i deal with problems, I was a shy person, I didn't know how to interact with people, I was always in a hurry inside of me when I listened to the bands songs, it made me feel good, so I wanted to thank thank you writing this text to say you brought me joy with the good songs.
I fell in love with the song when I got to know the songs, the dedication to brig us songs that made us feel good when hearing them, I learned with you that personality, religion, race doesnt matter, we have to respect each other, a song that brings me confort, it is very good to see the band growing e having such inspirations from you, I feel very proud with that, I see many covers on youtube with their bands growing and you used to do covers too and now you are playing all over the world, that band means a lot to me and to everybody, thank you for everything.
Ashton, you are a very special person in my life, your words, your way to think about sociedy is simply beautiful, you make me grow and want more, when i was watching the new broken scene leve and you said what you said, it touched me and i started to think how he cared about us, i like the technology very much, i thought about creating a project to motivate more young persons to technology, that gave me more strenthg to fight, so i have to thank you for making me feel that love that you have for your fans, thank you very much.
we are kings and queens of the new generation, we are well with that. 5 seconds of summer
You completly changed my life and the way I think, and the way i deal with problems, I was a shy person, I didn't know how to interact with people, I was always in a hurry inside of me when I listened to the bands songs, it made me feel good, so I wanted to thank thank you writing this text to say you brought me joy with the good songs.
I fell in love with the song when I got to know the songs, the dedication to brig us songs that made us feel good when hearing them, I learned with you that personality, religion, race doesnt matter, we have to respect each other, a song that brings me confort, it is very good to see the band growing e having such inspirations from you, I feel very proud with that, I see many covers on youtube with their bands growing and you used to do covers too and now you are playing all over the world, that band means a lot to me and to everybody, thank you for everything.
Ashton, you are a very special person in my life, your words, your way to think about sociedy is simply beautiful, you make me grow and want more, when i was watching the new broken scene leve and you said what you said, it touched me and i started to think how he cared about us, i like the technology very much, i thought about creating a project to motivate more young persons to technology, that gave me more strenthg to fight, so i have to thank you for making me feel that love that you have for your fans, thank you very much.
we are kings and queens of the new generation, we are well with that. 5 seconds of summer
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