Uma enxurrada, de modo geral, pode ser entendido como o resultado da concentração da água de chuva em excesso que não pode ser absorvida por solo já saturado e outras por formas de escoamento
Causas antrópicas das enchentes
A interferência humana sobre os cursos d'água, provocando enchentes e inundações, ocorre das mais diversas formas. Em casos extremos, porém menos comuns, tais situações podem estar relacionadas com rompimentos de diques e barragens, o que pode causar sérios danos à sociedade.
Soluções para a tarefa
A flood, in general, can be understood as the result of the concentration of excess rainwater that cannot be absorbed by already saturated soil and others through drainage forms.
Anthropic causes of flooding
Human interference with watercourses, causing floods and floods, occurs in many different ways. In extreme cases, but less common, these situations can be related to the rupture of dikes and dams, which can cause serious damage to society.
Resposta: A flood, in general, can be understood as a result of the concentration of excess rainwater and cannot be absorbed by already saturated soil and others by drainage forms.
Anthropic causes of flooding
Human interference with watercourses, causing floods and floods, occurs in many different ways. In extreme cases, however less common, such situations can be related to the rupture of dikes and dams, which can cause serious damage to society.