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My name is Gabriella Montenegro. I was 13 years old, I was born in Porto Alegre, São Lucas Hospital, PUC.I'm in the eighth grade, at the Marcirio Goularte Loureiro school, and it will be 8 years since I studied in my school.I joined the first series and I never repeat of the year and I love to study. I'll leave school at the end of the year. I still do not know which school I go to in high school. I love listening to music especially rock, pop rock, and international music. I also love watching TV. I'm finding it cool in eighth grade all my teachers are. I've already studied at another school before joining here. I did my pre in school geronimo de Albuquerque and at great cost I got a place for me at Marcirio Goularte Loureiro school.
I love to ride my bike and play volleyball, soccer and I love going to the mall with my sister and my cousins and friends. My class and two have made a newspaper, the newspaper with Bah !. the newspaper was very cool, each group does a report. My stuff was about kids cooking. We all love to make the newspaper and we intend to make other numbers.