Inglês, perguntado por extralojamt, 1 ano atrás

trabalho de inglês, preciso responder umas perguntas em ingles sobre o natal
Are houses decorated? How?
Do people wear special clothes?
do people give? receive gifts?
Are there any special foods?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MarcosRego123
Yes the houses are decorated with ornaments, christmas tree, garlands, santa claus and etc...
The people sometimes wear special clothes, like the santa claus costume.
The people always give and receive gifts to celebrate the union, the christmas and birth of Jesus.
There's so many special foods, like turkey.

extralojamt: Valeu, obrigado!
MarcosRego123: disponha.
extralojamt: Você pode me responder mais duas perguntas: Is there a religious celebration? Is there any other interesting characteristic? Claro se não for incômodo?
MarcosRego123: Posso sim. Inglês para mim nunca é incômodo.
MarcosRego123: Yes there's so many religious celebration like the mass in churchs and the prays in the houses before eating
MarcosRego123: The fellowship between the people, the family and friends.
MarcosRego123: Espero ter ajudado.
extralojamt: E muito,valeu pela ajuda!
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