Inglês, perguntado por kamy0801sousa, 9 meses atrás

Today is gonna be the day that theyre gonna throw it back to you
That the fire in your heart is out im sure you ve heard it all before
Youre gonna be the one that saves me
Essas frases contem present perfect tense ??? Por favor me ajudem eu tenho que entregar esse trabalho amanhã

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you

That the fire in your heart is out I'm sure you've heard it all before

You're gonna be the one that saves me

Present perfect - you've heard


Só um verbo está no present perfect.

Os demais estão no futuro com ''going to'' (forma contraída)

is gonna = is going to....

They're gonna = they are going to...

You're gonna be = You are going to be

kamy0801sousa: You're my wonderwall esta no present perfect tense??
CremildaBR: não... está no simple present. Para ser pre
CremildaBR: Para ser present perfect precisa ter have/has + verbo no particípio. Exemplos: (1) I have studied English (2) Paul has bought a new car.
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