Inglês, perguntado por allicy1808, 11 meses atrás

Time was, advertising was a relatively simple undertaking: buy some print space and airtime, create the spots, and blast them at a captive audience. Today it’s chaos: while passive viewers still exist, mostly we pick and choose what to consume, ignoring ads with a touch of the DVR remote. Ads are forced to become more like content, and the best aim to engage consumers so much that they pass the material on to friends – by email, Twitter, Facebook – who will pass it on to friends, who will… you get the picture. In the industry, “viral” has become a usefully vague way to describe any campaign that spreads from person to person, acquiring its own momentum.
             It’s not that online advertising has eclipsed TV, but it has become its full partner – and in many ways the more substantive one, a medium in which the audience must be earned, not simply bought.
Newsweek, March 26 & April 2, 2012. Adaptado
De acordo com o texto, a indústria publicitária


passou a criar anúncios mais curtos.


deixou de comprar tempo na TV devido ao aumento de custo por minuto.


foi forçada a se modificar em função das novas tecnologias.


aumentou sua audiência cativa.


começou a privilegiar a forma em vez de conteúdos.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por brunaanchieta25
Letra C - Foi forçada a se modificar em função das novas tecnologias

allicy1808: obrigada
Respondido por ilaura19


Letra C


Corrigida pelo site rachacuca

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