Time to Think - Look at this image and answer the following questions: A - How are all the words in the image related? B - Which elements, from the ones mentioned in the image, do you think are more important when doing research? Why? * Esta pergunta é obrigatória C - What image do the words create? * a key a frying pan a magnifying glass C - Why do you think this object was chosen? *
Soluções para a tarefa
Time to Think - Look at this image and answer the following questions:
A - How are all the words in the image related?
in a way they complement each other with the meanings of the words, which are refreshed in terms of knowledge
B - Which elements, from the ones mentioned in the image, do you think are more important when doing research? Why? * Esta pergunta é obrigatória
for me, the most important words are: discovery, science and study. Because without study you don't get knownledge, and the sciece is a big base for our get a good knownledge, and also, with the study, you discover many other different things
C - What image do the words create? * a key a frying pan a magnifying glass C - Why do you think this object was chosen? *
the words create a image a magnifying glass, and this object is related with the search, that is why it was chosen