This is my friend Jenny.
She says,
“I’m taller than Nora,
Younger than Sarah.
Thinner than Laura,
Prettier than Clara.”
And she goes on,
“I’m smarter than Carrie,
More beautiful than Sharon,
Much richer than Mary,
More elegant than Karen.”
Jenny is just thirteen,
But she thinks she’s a star.
She has the air of a queen
And loves to eat caviar!
Jenny doesn’t have a friend,
She says she doesn’t need any,
Her arrogance has no end
Her nickname is Queen Jenny!
Escreva os adjetivos curtos e longos deste texto
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⇒⇒ Adjectives
This is my friend Jenny.
She says,
“I’m taller than Nora,
Younger than Sarah.
Thinner than Laura,
Prettier than Clara.”
And she goes on,
“I’m smarter than Carrie,
More beautiful than Sharon,
Much richer than Mary,
More elegant than Karen.”
Jenny is just thirteen,
But she thinks she’s a star.
She has the air of a queen
And loves to eat caviar!
Jenny doesn’t have a friend,
She says she doesn’t need any,
Her arrogance has no end
Her nickname is Queen Jenny!
Adjetivos curtos
Adjetivos longos
→→ Adjectives >>> palavra usada para dar uma característica ao substantivo/sujeito
Caracterizando o substantivo
beautiful girl
nice hair
big house
difficult exercise
Caracterizando o sujeito
John is a nice man.
My friends are funny.
My car is new.
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