Inglês, perguntado por ericsonsilvasouzapp5, 9 meses atrás

Replace each icon with the correct verb form to complete the following sentences. Use the third
conditional as in the example below. Write the answers in your notebook.
Ka I couldn't call her because I lost her number.
I would have called her if I hadn't lost her number.
(b) He lost his job because he had been disrespectful to his colleagues.
He his job if he disrespectful to his colleagues.
C. She was so interested in their culture that she spent more time with them.
If she so interested in their culture, she more time with them.
d. They were so open-minded that their political differences were not a problem.
If they so open-minded, their political differences a problem.
bent me ajuda aqui​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por johny4englishwork

Quando estamos falando sobre algo do passado que não pode ser alterado, usamos:

Would have + If + past perfect

b) He lost his job because he had been disrespectful to his colleagues.

He WOULDN'T HAVE LOST his job if he WEREN'T so disrespectful to his colleagues.

c) She was so interested in their culture that she spent more time with them.

If she were not so interested in their culture, she would not have spent more time with them.

d) They were so open-minded that their political differences were not a problem.

If they were so open-minded, their political differences would not have become a problem.

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