Inglês, perguntado por an0nima11, 11 meses atrás

Things I did last month
( Coisas que fiz no mês passado )
Hello, everybody! I am Clara. I live in São Miguel do Araguaia. I am 12
years old. And I want to share with you the things I did last month.
My mom and I were watching TV at night, when my father arrived at
home. He was very happy because he decided to go camping with us. We
travelled to Baliza. It took us 8 hours to get there.
During the trip, we stopped a lot and we took lots of pictures of animals
and plants. It was almost midnight when we arrived at the camping area.
We visited some beautiful places. We gwam in the river and we had lots of
fun together. We spent 5 days there. It was amazing.
2. Retire do texto :
a) Verbos regulares -
b) Verbos irregulares.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por hazzyporter


A) Arrived, decided, travalled, stopped, visited.

B) Did, were, was, took, had, spent.


Verbos regulares obedecem a regra de ED ou IED, irregulares tem uma gramática diferente da sua forma presente.

noemiasilvaamo: cade a letra c
noemiasilvaamo: só tem a e b
clarafaleirocaca: poisé uai
Respondido por anaclaudialara

2. Lendo o texto "Things I did last month", temos:

a) Verbos regulares: live, want, share, watching, arrived, decided, camping, travelled, stopped, visited.

b) Verbos irregulares: am, did, were, was, go, took, get, swam, had, spent.

Regular and Irregular verbs

Verbos regulares não mudam drasticamente a forma no passado simples, basta acrescentar "d", "ed" ou "ied" (dependendo da terminação) nas frases afirmativas. A raiz do verbo (o início) fica igual, mudando apenas o final. Ex.:

  • I studied;
  • She studied;
  • We studied;
  • They studied.

Nos verbos irregulares, sua forma é muito alterada. Ex.:

  • Verbo to swim: swam (passado); swum (particípio);

O particípio passado, nos verbos regulares, fica igual aos verbos no Simple Past. Já nos verbos irregulares, alguns mudam a forma, enquanto outros não. Ex.:

  • was/were (Simple past) => been (past participle) => mudou a forma.
  • let (Simple Past) => let (past participle) => não mudou a forma.

Para saber mais sobre past participle, acesse:


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