Inglês, perguntado por RoselaineMaciel, 7 meses atrás

There are many positive sides to urban life. Living in a city can be very convenient. There are many places to go shopping where people can buy things that they need. Many of these places are open until late at night. So, you can buy almost anything you want very easily at almost any time of day. There is usually a lot of variety in a city. There are many different choices of things to do and places to go. There are different choices for entertainment and recreation. People can go to see a movie or a show. They can go shopping or enjoy a walk in a park. They can visit museums and art galleries. They can go to a zoo or to sporting event. Cities also usually have a wide selection of restaurants, cafes, and places to eat. You can usually find many different kinds of restaurants in a big city. These restaurants usually offer a good selection of international cuisine and local food. People who live in a city also have many educational options and opportunities. They can go to different schools to learn different things, depending on their interests. An urban environment also provides a wide variety of employment opportunities. There are many different kinds of jobs in many different fields and professions. A city is usually very convenient in terms of transportation. People can take a bus, a train, a subway, a taxi, or other kinds of transportation. There is usually an airport near a city so it can be convenient for flying as well. Some cities are located near water, so this makes travel by water possible too. Generally, urban life is convenient and offers people who live there a lot of variety and different opportunities.

(LESSON 45: Urban Problems. Stickyball: Resources for ESL/EFL teachers. 2017. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 jul. 2017. Adaptado.)

A respeito do texto e do assunto nele abordado, avalie as afirmações a seguir:

I. Life in urban area is inconvenient because it brings a lot of problems to our life.
II. There are more negative aspects about living in big cities than positive ones.
III. Transportation is easier when you live in urban areas.
IV. There are not many opportunities of jobs in big cities.
V. You can enjoy a lot of possibilities of entertainment in urban life

Considerando as proposições acima, é correto apenas o que se afirma em:

a) I e IV.
b) II e III.
c) III e V.
d) IV e V.
e) I, II e III.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por elianalee

É correto o que se afirma na letra C, pois:

I. Esta afirmativa está incorreta, já que a presença do adjetivo "inconvenient" contradiz o que está sendo exposto no texto (as comodidades de se morar numa área urbana).

II. Afirmação também incorreta, trazendo a expressão "negative aspects", que não condiz com o texto.

III. Assertiva correta. O texto argumenta que o transporte na cidade tem mais opções.

IV. Incorreta. A frase negativa "There are not many opportunitties..." também contradiz o que diz o texto.

V. Correta. O texto afirma que as pessoas podem aproveitar muitas opções de lazer em áreas urbanas.

There is / There are

Utilizamos there to be para indicar que algo existe em determinado lugar. A forma varia entre singular e plural.

  • There is: usado para singular


  1. There is a museum in my city. (Há um museu em minha cidade)
  2. There is a bus stop near me. (Há um ponto de ônibus próximo a mim)

  • There are: usado para plural


  1. There are many opportunities in urban areas. (Há muitas oportunidades nas áreas urbanas).
  2. There are a lot of positive aspects here. (Há muitos aspectos positivos aqui).

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