Inglês, perguntado por julia13052020, 8 meses atrás

There are lots of environmental problems
contamination of air, water and soll by different
materiais chat interfere with human health and
quality of Ure
The emissions form industries and engines.
including cars are big causes of air pollution and
simple things that we do at home, like using
aerosous, have bad effects on the ozone layer,
which protects are on Earth from ultraviolet
Water is also suffering from pollution by
domestic, municipal and atso industrial waste.
It is up to us to stop damaging the
environment. We all should be environment

2) Answer the questions in Portuguese:
Responda as questões a seguir, em Português, de acordo com o texto acima.

a) What is the biggest enemy of the environment?

b) What are the causes o fair pollution?

c) What's are wrong with aerosois?

d) what os the function of the ozone layer ?

e) why do you thing we should all be enviroment friendly?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por miguelochagas


A) A poluição do ar.

B) Uma das causas é o buraco na camada de ozônio que protege a Terra da radiação ultravioleta.

C) Os aerosóis poluem o ar.

D) Proteger a Terra da radiação ultravioleta.

E) Para preservar a vida na Terra e para que cuidemos da nossa casa (Terra).

Espero ter lhe ajudado! ;D

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