Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 8 meses atrás

The virologist was born june hart in 1930

Transformar a frase interrogativa no passado simples

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple past  >>  verb ''to be''  >>  interrogative form

A resposta ao exercício é:

The virologist was born June Hart in 1930.

Was the virologist born June Hart in 1930?

⇒⇒  Verbo ''to be''  -   ser /  estar  >>  na interrogativa apenas colocamos o verbo no início da frase e repetimos o restante. Essa regra vale tanto para o presente quando para o passado.

Estrutura >> simple past  >>  interrogativa

was / were  + sujeito + complemento + ?

Was     -     usado com I - he - she - it

Were    -    usado com We - you - they

Were the kids at the park?

Was he an engineer?

Was Helen at home?

Estrutura >> simple present  >>  interrogativa

am - are - is  + sujeito + complemento + ?

Am I a dentist?

Are the kids at the park?

Is John an engineer?

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CremildaBR: sim ;)
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