Inglês, perguntado por gtdragon, 10 meses atrás

The text is divided into four parts (a-d) listed on the left. What is the main topic of each part? Write the answers in your notebook. Use expressions from the box on the rigth.

a. Teachers want more tech

b. Teachers want affordable tech

c. Teachers want web-based tools

d. Teachers want to engate students

©Reasons for teachers to use technology in The classroom.
©Obstacles to use technology in the classroom
©The amount of technology used in the classroom
©Popular technogical resources used in the classroom


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por santosvitoria4p5x321
a. Teachers want more tech
The amount of technology used in the classroom
b.Teachers want affordable tech
Obstacles to use technology in the
c.Teachers want web-based tools
Popular technogical resources used in the classroom
d. Teachers want to engate students
Reasons for teachers to use technology in The classroom.
Respondido por vidinharego

Baseando me na figura fornecida podemos concluir que as respostas corretas ficam da seguinte forma:

A) Teachers want more technology

The amount of Technology used in the Classroom.

Sobre a quantidade de tecnologia em sala de aula

B) Teachers want affordable Tech

Obstacles to use technology in the classroom.

Sobre os problemas para se usar mais tecnologia em sala de aula.

C) Teachers want web-based tools.

Popular Technology used in the classroom.

Sobre a tecnologias populares em sala de aula.

D) Teachers want to engage students

Reasons for teachers to use technology in The classroom.

Sobre os motivos para se usar tecnologia em sala de aula.

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