Inglês, perguntado por silva01lais, 1 ano atrás

The Simple Past Tense
Atividade de Lingua Estrangeira com
questões sobre Simple Past Tense -
regular verbs.
1. Read and complete. Use the past
simple. (Depois traduza o texto)
It was my grandmother's birthday
yesterday and we had a big party
for her. First. I
(help) Mum to tidy the house.
(wash) the
dishes and
the living room. Then
(pick) some flowers from the
garden to put on the dinner table.
(cook) a
fantastic dinner and at one o'clock
the guests
(arrive) - aunts, uncles, cousins
and Grandma, of course! After lunch
her presents. My present was a
photo album with pictures of all the
family. We all
at the photos together. In the
afternoon Dad
(call) a taxi to take Grandma
home and
(carry) all
her presents to the car.
2.Complete a cruzadinha com os verbos
regulares no passado em inglês.
3.Analise o texto abaixo e sublinhe
todos os verbos regulares. Escreva o
Texto na caixa de texto abaixo:
In São Paulo we visited our
parents and then walked
along Guarujá beach. AE
three oclock we traveled
to Rio by bus
We arrived here at about
nine o'clock and watched a
film on TV. hapen (acontecer) 2 to enjoy (apreciar work (trabalhar 4. To like (gostar)
5. to invite (convidar 6. to visit (visitar)
7. to kiss (beijar)
8. to look (olhar)
9. to explain (explicar) - 10 to disturb (perturbar)
Devolução: 13/10/20​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por diasangela500




sorry you are you you you hello hello

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