Inglês, perguntado por jojomendes1o2, 11 meses atrás


We need to understand the world.

We are like a man in front of the video. He tries to understand how it works. He cannot open it. He can only observe this video working. He sees and hears it function. He analyses it entirely. He begins to formulate many hypotheses to explain how and why it works so well

When one of his hypotheses is confirmed and accepted, it becomes a scientific theory.

That is what we can do to better understand the world.

3. Qual é a comparação presente no texto?

4. Você concorda com essa comparação? Justifique a sua posição.

4º Passo: According to the text, answer, in English, the following questions: (De acordo com o texto, responda, em inglês, as seguintes questões:).

5. When does a hypothesis become a scientific theory?

6. In your opinion, experiments can have positive and / or negative impacts in the society?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por liapandolpho


3. We are like a man in front of the video. he tries to understand how it works.

"Nós somos como alguém em frente a um video, que tenta entender como funciona alguma coisa.

4. Yes, I agree, because as well as he does, we also have to wait for the confirmation of the hypotheses.

"Sim, concordo, porque assim como ele, temos que aguardar para a confirmação da hipótese lançada e estudada".

5. When does a hipothesis become a scientific theory?

As soon as it is confirmed and accepted.

"Tão logo seja aceita e confirmada".

6. in your opinion, experiments can have positive and/or negative impacts in the society?

Sure. Depends on the kind of experiments. Actually, Scientific experiments tends to have both sides of the impacts.

"Sim. Dpende do tipo de experimentos. Normalmente, Experimentos científicos tendem a ter os dois lados do impacto.


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