Matemática, perguntado por gianna94, 7 meses atrás

The party will be ______ nine, ______ the morning ______ August 20th.
a) at / on / in
b) in / at / on
c) on / at / in
d) at / in / on

1.2. Julie was born ______ July 3, ______ night ______ New York. *
a) in / at / at
b) on / at / in
c) in / at / in
d) on / in /at

1.3. Don’t call me ______ my cell phone, please. The situation is not good ______ the moment. *
a) in / in
b) on / in
c) in / at
d) on / at

1.4 He is standing ______ a beach, starring ______ the sea. *
a) in / at
b) at / at
c) on / at
d) on / in

1.5 Look ______ your image ______ the mirror and tell me what you see. *
a) in / at
b) at / in
c) at / at
d) on / in​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vcb18032003


1.1) d

1.2) b

1.3) d

1.4) a

1.5) b

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