Inglês, perguntado por francianelinda11, 7 meses atrás


Halloween is celebrated on October 31st every year. The holiday began as a Celtic festival from Ireland called Samhain. Halloween became more popular worldwide with the start of the Christian holiday called All Saints Day. Halloween is traditionally a holiday that is meant to ward off evil spirits. During the time of the Celtic traditions, people would carve out scary faces and figures in giant turnips, place a candle inside, and set in their windows to scare away evil ghosts and enemies on Halloween. 

More than a thousand years ago the Christian church named November 1 All Saints Day (also called All Hallows.) This was a special holy day to honor the saints and other people who died for their religion. The night before All Hallows was called Hallows Eve. Later the name was changed to Halloween.


Nowadays the turnips have been replaced by orange pumpkins, but the carving tradition is still continued, as well as lighting the pumpkins on the night of Halloween. The traditional colors that are used for most decorations for Halloween are black and orange. There are certain characters that are associated with Halloween: ghosts, witches, skeletons, vampires, werewolves, bats and black cats. 

Some religious groups do not celebrate Halloween because they feel it goes against their religious beliefs as a way of worshiping evil. Halloween is meant to scare off dead people and evil spirits. Halloween is more of a dark tradition with the idea that some spirits and ghosts come back around that time to scare or hurt people. However, most people do not really worry about the scary parts of Halloween and instead enjoy eating the candies, wearing the crazy costumes and spending time with friends and family while they visit others in their community.

Vocabulary Bank

1. Celtic: Celta                         2. Ireland: Irlanda              3. Worldwide: Por todo o mundo         

4. All Saints Day: Dia de todos os santos               5. That is meant: Que significa        6. To ward off: Afastar          

7. Carve out: Esculpir                 8. Scary: Assustadoras        9. Turnips: Nabos          10. Place/set: Colocar        

11. Scare away: Espantar     12. Nowadays: Hoje em dia          13. Replaced: Substituídas     14. Pumpkins: Abóboras     

15. Carving: Escultura         16. Lighting: Iluminar     17. Religious beliefs: Crenças religiosas      

18. Worshiping evil: Adoração ao demônio      19. Instead: Ao invés disso             20. Crazy costumes: Fantasias malucas


01. What is the origin of the halloween?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por baah30


The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. ... Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats.

Respondido por reuabg

Historicamente, a celebração do Halloween teve origem com os Celtas, sendo feito um festival nesse dia que era chamado de Samhain.

De acordo com o texto, o Halloween é celebrado no dia 31 de Outubro todos os anos.

Historicamente, a celebração do Halloween teve origem com os Celtas, sendo feito um festival nesse dia que era chamado de Samhain. Essa celebração tinha como intuito proteger as pessoas dos maus espíritos que vagavam pela região perto da época da sua celebração.

Para proteger a aldeia, as pessoas esculpiam caras assustadoras e figuras horripilantes em nabos, colocavam velas dentro, e colocavam essas velas nas janelas e portas para espantar esses espíritos vagantes.

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