The Olympic Games
The Greeks liked sports and games very much. They created many festivals dedicated to
their gods. The festivals always included games. There was a festival in the plain of Olympia called
the Olympic Games. These games officially started in 776 B.C. and attracted athletes from all
regions of Greece. The Olympic Games celebrated the "peace of the gods”. It was a moment with
no wars. In 394 A.D. Greece was a Roman colony and the emperor Theodosius ended the tradition
of the Games. Last century, a Frenchman, the Baron of Coubertin, started a new movement to
revive the Olympic Games. In 1894, he organized the international Olympic Committee to work for
the Modern Olympic Games. The idea was to include all nations with no distinction of religion, race
or political ideas. But there was one restriction: only amateur athletes participated.
03) A ideia central dos jogos olímpicos era:
a) Apenas o imperador “Theodosius” participaria.
b) Apenas o “Baron of Coubertin” participaria.
c) Atletas amadores não poderiam participar.
d) Apenas atletas amadores participariam.
04) Identifique a forma correta do verbo no simple present em cada oração:
a) We always ( ) read - ( ) reads the newspaper.
b) My boyfriend rarely ( ) go- ( )goes to the club on Sundays.
c) It sometimes ( ) rin - ( ) rains in Winter.
d) The two sisters seldom ( ) play - ( )plays in the rain.
5) de acordo com o estudo do presente simples,julgue os itens abaixo em f (falso)e v(verdadeiro)e em seguida marque a sequencia correta:
( )o acréscimo do "ES" só acontece nos verbos terminados em :s,as,ah,chegar,z,o,x.
( )verbos terminados em "y"precedido de consoante registar-se o "y"e acrescenta-se o "IES".
( ) A Regra geral é o acréscimo do"S"
( ) os acréscimos só acontecem nas 3as pessoas do singular:He,She,It.
a)f,v,v,v b)v,f,f,v c)v,v,v,v d)f,v,v,f
6)A frase :"She sabe e Walter",na forma negativa,será:
a)she doesn't saves water.
b)she doesn't saves water
c)she don't save water.
d)she doesn't save water.
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3 - d
4 - have
5 - B
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