Inglês, perguntado por cinara637, 1 ano atrás


Before I got married, I worked for a large company. I was
a secretary. Now I'm a housewife. I don't like it when
people say, “Oh, so you don't work” or “You're really
lucky. I'd like to stay at home all day". They don't
understand I'm very busy all day. I get up before my
husband to fix breakfast for him and the children. Then I take my son Henrique to school. I
have another son, Miguel, who is four, so I look after him during the day. I do the laundry,
do the shopping, I do the cleaning, I do the cooking. It's a very difficult job. ​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

4. A "profissão" da narradora é dona de casa.

5. O dito trabalho dela não é fácil, pois ela precisa fazer o café da manhã para o marido, levar o filho mais velho à escola, pajear o mais novo durante o dia e manter a casa em ordem.

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