Inglês, perguntado por yasminluy, 11 meses atrás

The hamburger was invented in 1889, and the first
McDonald's opened in 1918 in San Bernadino,
Callfornia. Now a new McDonald's restaurant opens
every eight hours somewhere in the world. The
restaurant chain serves about 45 million customers
every day. The corporation's yellow M is recognised by
people all over the world as a symbol of dynamism,
happiness and, above all America. The busiest
nestaurant, however in Moscow
As palavras "opened", "serves" e "is recognized", marcadas no texto, são:
A) Conjunções
B) Substantivos
C) Verbos
D) Adjetivos
E) Nenhuma das alternativas​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nelsonstachelskijr


C) Verbos

opened = abriu

serves = serve

is recognized = é reconhecido (particípio)

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