Inglês, perguntado por DoctorFicWriter3294, 10 meses atrás

The following text refers to questions 12 and 13.New Folka Ranking Shows That Only 2496 of Brazilian Cities Are Efficient08/29/2016 FERNANDO CANZIAN FROM SÀO PAULOA new tool launched by Folha along with Datafolha in this election year-shows which Brazilian City Halls deliver the most basic services to the people using the least amount of financial resources.The Municipal Efficiency Ranking - Folha (REM-F) includes indicators such as health care, education and sanitation to calculate management efficiency and contains the data of 5,281 cities - 95% of the country’s total 5,569.In a 0-1 scale, only 24% of the cities assessed are over 0.50, and therefore, can be considered efficient.The survey also shows that in the 5% least efficient cities, which scored up to 0.30, the number of public employees grew on average 67%, between 2004 and 2014. The number of people increased by 12%, in the period.The ranking reflects some of the results of the current dynamics of the Brazilian economy: rising public expenditure, an excessive number of public employees, declining participation of the industry and the growth of promising regions such as the Northeast and areas like agribusiness. Seen from above, the city of Cachoeira da Prata (MG), the number one in the ranking, is a ring of houses surrounding a once-robust textile factory which is now closed.Mayor Murcio José Silva (PP) cried while showing the abandoned warehouses where he began to work at the age of 12 and once employed 30% of the city’s population.With no other source of income, the City Hall now depends almost exclusively on the so-called Municipal Participation Fund (FPM) and other public income to keep its two schools open, manage a Health Care Basic Unit and pay for the construction of a new child care center.That is the same situation of most of the 5,281 City Halls assessed by the REM-F (95%, of the country’s 5.569 cities): 72% (3,777) depend on these funds for more than 80%, of their II - IIIpág.12Prova Tipo AQuestao n° 12According to the news above,a)Follia and Datafolha have been working on a new tool to measure the efficiency of different City Halls around Brazil.b)The research shows that the number of public employees has increased on average 67% so far.c)30% of Cachoeira da Prata cs population cried when they got to know that the mayor of the city had been abandoned in the city warehouses when still a child.d)The hiring of too many workers in the public sector is among the reasons for low efficiency in some Brazilian cities.e)The most relevant items taken into consideration in the research were health care and education.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Giuliane6

Olá!! Bom vamos lá!

De acordo com o texto foi feito um estudo nas cidades Brasileiras para saber a eficiência das mesmas com relação a vários setores, dentre esses questões de saúde e questões básicas para a vida, e o que torna as cidades mais eficientes. Porém pouquíssimas cidades fazem parte da lista das cidades eficientes. Isso porque gastos com outras coisas foram aumentados o que acabou comprometimento a eficiência das cidades.

Ou seja, podemos dizer que a alternativa correta para a nossa questão é a letra A, que diz que a data folha estava trabalhando em um novo ranking pelo Brasil de eficiência das cidades.

Espero ter ajudado em algo!

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