Inglês, perguntado por rayssagordinha, 4 meses atrás


In order to prepare and train people in the correct uso of the English Language, The English teacher devotes quite a substantial amount of his/ her time to improving his teaching techniques and researching vocabulary and gramatical constructions which might be important for different groups of students.

Some students need just coloquial language , while others should master more specific vocabulary related to a profissional area of interest such as trade, administration or Biology" says teacher Carmem Sumi Vilela, from Sao Paulo. Carmem explains that the courses given at schools are generally divided into four types : Courses for adults children, teenagers, and last but not least, for workers in firms.The later consists of
instrumental English, which is basically aimed at reading comprehension . To sum up, teachers need to be constantly updating their Knowledge , and conducting research into language and methodology to improve their technique.

In order to teach English, a graduation course in languages is needed .However according to Carmem, it is useful to have a basic notion of the English language before reaching this graduation stage at University.
There, the student will develop not only their language skills, but also be able to study Literature and methodology subjects.

Antes de responder as perguntas sobre o texto, leia o vocabulário com atenção:

train: treinar people: pessoas - in the: no, na - devotes: dedica - amount: quantidade - improving: melhorar - research: pesquisa - some: alguns - need : precisar - just: somente - others: outreos - should master: devem conhecer bem - more: mais - trade: comercio - says: diz - given dados - into : em - teenagers: adolescentes - last: ultimo- not least : não o ultimo - workers: trabalhadores - latter: o ultimo - is aimed: tem como meta - Reading: leitura - to sum up: resumindo - updating; atualizado - knowledge; conhecimentos - research: pesquisa - improve: melhorar - teaching: pratica de ensino - needed: necessário - according: de acordo - useful: útil - reaching: alcançar - graduation stage: nível de graduação - there: lá - will develop : desenvolverá - skills : habilidades - be able: ser capaz - subjects; matérias

COMPREHENSION: Responda as perguntas sobre o texto em Português):

1- a: Qual é o tema central do texto?_________________________________________________________

B- Traduza a primeira linha ,até a palavra language para justificar a sua resposta: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C-Cite um tipo de aprendizagem do idioma que alguns estudantes precisam:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

D- Segundo a professora Carmem, como são divididos os cursos dados nas escolas de idiomas?________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2- Você deve ter percebido que os cognatos presentes no texto não foram colocados no vocabulário , pois você consegue entende los imediatamente.
Escreva aqui, em inglês, cinco desses cognatos presentes no texto:______________________ _______________________ __________________________ ________________________ _________________________

3- Sabendo que such as é um conectivo que indica exemplificação , como você traduziria a frase abaixo?

A-..Vocabulary to professional area, such as trade , administration or Biology .____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B-sabendo que also é um conectivo que indica acrescimo , traduza também esta frase:

...but also be able to be able to study Literature and methodology subjects. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C- Cite agora uma frase com conectivo de contraste/ ideia contraria: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4_Reescreva as frases substituindo on nomes em destaque pelo pronome pessoal correto: THEY - IT - YOU- SHE _ He/ SHE _ WE- IT - WE - ( Observe que alguns podem não ser usados ).

A- The students will develop only....________________________________________________________

B- Teacher Carmem explains..___________________________________________________________________

C- the courses give to the students....______________________________________________________________

D-The English teacher devotes...__________________________________________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jp3620934



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