Inglês, perguntado por viniciuscavalcanti82, 9 meses atrás

The correct form of the reported speeach in this sentences THEY SAID TO JOHN: "DO YOU THINK THAT YOU LEAD A GOOD LIFE HERE? is - They ________him if he _________that he ______ a good life _________ .
A) ask - thought - lead - here.
B) asked - thought - led - there
C) said - thinks - leads - there.
D) told - thought - leads - here

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por leamdralima16


à resposta é a letra d eu tenho certeza que é deixa a melhor resposta por favor

Respondido por carloseduardod7757


Letra (B)


They asked him if he thought that the led a good life there.

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