Inglês, perguntado por yan79954, 1 ano atrás

The consumer society has strong allure and carries with it many economic benefits, and it would be unfair to argue

___________ the advantages gained by an earlier generation of consumers should not be shared by those ___________

come later. Indeed, lack of attention to the needs of the poorest can result in greater insecurity for the prosperous and in

increased spending on defensive measures. The need to spend billions of dollars on wars, border security, and peaceke-

eping arguably is linked to a disregard for the world’s pressing social and environmental problems.

thiagomv20: quais as palavras que tem que colocar ai ? não tem como eu adivinhar
thiagomv20: ou venho sem as palavras?
thiagomv20: blz

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

Alternativa b. that - who

Respondido por thiagomv20

letra b, não estava entendo a questão mas entendi agora

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