The black cat For the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief. Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. Yet, mad am I not and very surely do I not dream. But to-morrow I die, and to-day I would unburthen my soul. My immediate purpose is to place before the world, plainly succinctly, and without comment, a series of mere household events. In their consequences, these events have terrified - have tortured - have destroyed me. Yet I will not attempt to expound them. To me, they have presented little but Horror - to many they will seem less terrible than baroques. Hereafter, perhaps, some intellect may be found which will reduce my phantasm to the common-place some intellect more calm, more logical, and far less excitable than my own, which will perceive, in the circumstances I with awe, nothing more than an ordin succession of very natural causes and effects.
O conto The black cat, do autor americano Edgar Allan Poe, foi publicado em 1843. No parágrafo de introdução, o diálogo entre a personagem eo leitor permite concluir que a temática do texto será
A descritiva e trivial.
B descontraída e leve.
C sombria e divertida.
D romântica e dramática.
E O fantástica e sobrenatural.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
Alternativa C, sombria e divertida.
Explicação: O texto aborda um tema de suspense, terror. Dessa forma, a intenção do autor é propor uma diversão aos seus leitores, os quais gostam do tema abordado.
Por eliminação, as alternativas B, D e E serão eliminadas. A alternativa A é falsa, por não apresentar um texto trivial.
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