Inglês, perguntado por love4cb, 1 ano atrás


The great house was bought many years ago by King of Ireland. Ir was a big house and very, very mysterious. It was built by The engineer named John Carpenter in 1919. He killed himself a few years believe that the house is haunted. Many people say: A secret is hidden inside that big house. Which will be? Want to find out?


1) Take two passive voice sentences out of the text.

2) Coloque as frases do exercício anterior na voz ativa.

Me ajudem Porfavor, Obrigado.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por isaaa28
1) “the great house was bought......”
“it was built...”
2)the king of ireland bought the great house many years ago
the engineer john carpenter built it in 1919
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