Inglês, perguntado por Naraaaa181818, 7 meses atrás

"The band is going to start their tour later this year"

A negative form da frase acima é: The band is going not to star their tour later this year.

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( )Verdadeiro
( )Falso​

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Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Future with ''going to''   >>   negative form

"The band is going to start their tour later this year"

A negative form da frase acima é: The band is going not to start their tour later this year.

Escolha uma opção:

( )  Verdadeiro

(X)  Falso​  ✅


O correto é:  The band is not going to start their tour later this year.


⇒⇒  “Be Going To”    >>>   usado para falar sobre situações no futuro que irão acontecer com certeza ou sobre planos e intenções.

Estrutura negativa

sujeito + verb to be + NOT +  going to + verbo

Mary is not going to work tomorrow.

I am not going to buy a new car.

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