The Australian boy, Pete, __________________ his bike in the park. (ride) 2. He __________________ a sandwich and drinking Coke. (have) 3. Pete __________________ music in his headphones. (listen to) 4. He __________________ a pair of boots and a brand-new t-shirt. (wear) 5. Maybe he __________________ to his grandmother’s house because of her birthday party. (go) 6. __________________ the trees with ropes? (climb) No, _______________ (short answer). 7. They _______________ special protective equipment. (use) 8. Are they _______________ lots of fun? (have) Yes, _____________ (short answer) 9. All of them _______________ of their heads by wearing helmets. (take care) 10. They ________________ gymnastics together (do). They ________________ tree climbing. (practice)
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Present Continuous
1. The Australian boy, Pete, is riding his bike in the park. (ride)
2. He is having a sandwich and drinking coke. (have)
3. Pete is listening to music in his headphones. (listen to)
4. He is wearing a pair of boots and a brand-new t-shirt. (wear)
5. Maybe he is going to his grandmother’s house because of her birthday party. (go)
6. Is he climbing the trees with ropes? (climb) No, he isn't. (short answer).
7. They are using special protective equipment. (use)
8. Are they having lots of fun? (have) Yes, they are. (short answer)
9. All of them are taking care of their heads by wearing helmets. (take care)
10. They are doing gymnastics together (do). They are practicing tree climbing. (practice)
⇒⇒ Present continuous - expressa algo que está acontecendo no momento em que se fala. Normalmente, é usado ''now'' - agora, ''at the moment'' ou ''at this moment'' - no momento, no final da frase.
→ Estrutura present continuous - afirmativa
sujeito + verbo to be + verbo -ing + complemento
I am doing my homework now.
They are playing soccer now.
David is studying English.
→ Para fazer a negativa >>> acrescenta ''not'' após o verbo ''to be''
I am not doing my homework now.
→ Para fazer a interrogativa >>> coloca o verbo ''to be'' no início da frase
Are they playing soccer now?
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