textos em inglês que fale sobre cancer de mama
Soluções para a tarefa
Breast cancer is a serious disease that causes several women to die each year, being the most frequent cause of cancer death in women. It can affect men, but such cases are rare.
Breast cancer is a silent disease, which can hinder early diagnosis, and frequent observation of the breast is essential in order to verify changes. The appearance of nodules, changes in the skin and the elimination of fluid from the nipples can be signs of the disease.
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects the breast, leading to the formation of a tumor in that region. Not all breast cancer is the same, while some of them develop quickly, others grow slowly. It is important to make it clear that the presence of lumps in the breast does not necessarily indicate the disease, which must be confirmed after specific examinations.
Some factors increase the chance of developing breast cancer. One of the most important is age, however, other environmental, genetic and even reproductive factors of the woman must be considered. According to the Inca, risk factors for its development are:
Obesity and overweight after menopause
Sedentary lifestyle
Alcohol consumption
Frequent exposure to ionizing radiation
First menstruation before 12 years of age
Not having children
First pregnancy after 30 years of age
Menopause after 55 years of age
Use of hormonal contraceptives (estrogen-progesterone)
Postmenopausal hormone replacement (mainly for more than five years)
Ovarian cancer cases in the family
Cases of breast cancer in the family (mainly before the age of 50)
Family history of breast cancer cases in men
Some genetic changes (especially in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes)