text- Adolescence : a painful phase for a mother
No one ever said it was easy to be mother. but when adolescence came to my daughter,the difficuties became dreadful to support.that is the way it all began.
one day my graceful twelve-year old girl got home from school.she put her things on the sofa.then she took off her uniform singing aloud a song by metalica.she went quickly to the kitchen.lunch was served but she ate a sandwich and drank a glass of coke instead.
I knew she was diferente that day.the telefone rang.she ran up the living room.when she my presence she said, I II heve to call you back you know just came in.
I thought it was nothing importante,and I left a little disappointed.
in the afternoon,i broght a colorful skirt that i had bought for her.i tried to please her.the skirt cost me good money.but she said it was not beautiful. It s tacky.
for a minute,she drove me crazy.i felt furious ond betrayed.but after all she was my daughter and was already twelve.so I understood that it was the beginning of a new phase.it was only adolescence.but it was awful.
1. Qual a opinião da autor sobre a adolescência ?
2. Por que a mãe ficou desapontada com a filha ?
3. A atitude da garota ao receber o presente caro da mãe foi cortes ?por que ?
4.Reescreva a parte do texto que indica a compreensão da mãe com relação a adolescência da filha.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1-A opinião é que a adolescência é uma fase terrível.
2-Pois quando chegou na sala,sua filha desligou o telefone ao ver ela.
3-Não.Ao inves de agradecer,ou dizer que prefereria outro presente educadamente,ela disse que achou feia e não gostou.
4-Da palavra "so" no último parágrafo até "awful"
2-Pois quando chegou na sala,sua filha desligou o telefone ao ver ela.
3-Não.Ao inves de agradecer,ou dizer que prefereria outro presente educadamente,ela disse que achou feia e não gostou.
4-Da palavra "so" no último parágrafo até "awful"
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