Inglês, perguntado por helpmepls87, 1 ano atrás

Tell a story!!

i need help


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mirellasoares2708200


I was at my house when i saw the news that a tornado was going to happen in my city.

Then my parents took me and my sister and took us to their room because it was the safest place, then suddenly the tornado was close to us !! And then my little sister and i were very terrified by the sounds of breaking glass, and things falling, sometimes, when we looked at the window, we could see a part of the tornado !!

And we spent more than 40 minutes in Mom and Dad's room, after forty minutes the tornado was already a little far away, and we could get up, because it was over.

After all this, we were very relivied to be alive and that no one was hurt.


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