tell a story!!!!!!!!!!!

Soluções para a tarefa
I dream about be a scientist and work in the area 51,I need to give up this dream,it gonna be dangerous.
mas e preguiçoso mesmo
Hey,this is my story,my name is James and I gonna tell a part of my life.
I living in a city named Montgomery in Alabama state,and I have 3 sisters and 1 little brother,my mom is pregnant,is a baby boy,becoming my new little brother.I have 16 years old and love play rugby in school team,this week we gonna play with the bulldogs,I think we gonna win.
Before I born my mom wish a baby girl not a boy and my sister,who born after me have the name that my mother wanted to put on me (Jacqueline),so the next son she put Jackson.
I Dream about to be a scientist and work in the area 51,but i need to give up,it so dangerous.I gonna apply for be a Nasa scientist and make a rockets,I hoppefully I can be what I always dream!.
And I gonna driven a car when i pass in the ``school test of car``.And the most important part,I committed with a girl,a beautiful and sexy girl,and I love her,oh,I love this girl.
Then I finally gonna end this story,with golden key,see you in the next!