Inglês, perguntado por alexandra19451, 1 ano atrás

Supply the comparative of superiority and superlative:
1-Bob´s motocycle is .................(old)my car.
2-Mary is .............(short)girl in the family.
3-São Paulo is .............(large)city in Brazil.
4-A car is ..........(safe)a motocycle.
5-James is ...........(tall)boy of our class.
6-This exercise is ........(simple)in this book.
7-Their car is ..........(new)ours.
8-A sport car is ............(fast)a truck.
9-My unde Jack is ............(tall)my father.
10-The Nile is ..........(long)river in the world.
11-Holen was .........(clever)Judy.
12-The lion is .........(nable)of the animats.
13-I bought ..............(cheap)hat in that store.
14-Alice looks ................(young)her sister Karen.
15-Margaret was ..............(clever)of the girls.
16-Frank is ...................(old)max.
17-São Paulo is ..................(big)New York.
18-Ann is ..............(pretty)in the classroom.
19-Mary is ..................(fat)your sister.
20-John is ................(tall)in your house.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jplay57
1 - older than
2 - the shortest
3 - the largest
4 - safer than
5 - the tallest
6 - the simplest
7 - newer than
8 - faster than
9 - taller than
10 - the longest
11 - cleverer than
12 - the ablest
13 - the cheapest
14 - younger than
15 - the cleverest
16 - older than
17 - bigger than
18 - the prettiest
19 - fatter than
20 - the tallest
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