Inglês, perguntado por DéboraRaíssa, 11 meses atrás

supply the comparative of equality
a) My house is : (comfortable) yours
b) Eduardo is: (rich) matheus
2) supply the comparetive of inferiority
a) English is: ( difficult) chinese
b) america is: (cold) antarctica
3) supply the comparative of superiority
a) you are: (strong) your fears
b) kassandra: (beautiful) her sister
c) he sheaks english ( good) me
d) são Paulo is: (populous) Maceió
e) I am: (heppy) yester day
d) Juan is: (old) Paulo

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por DouglasMoraesBR
a) My house is as comfortable as yours
b) Eduardo is as rich as Matheus

a) English is less difficult than chinese
b) Less cold than antarctica

a) You are stronger than your fears
b) Kassandra is more bealtiful than her sister
c) He speaks english better than her sister
d) São paulo is more populous than Maceió
e) I am happier than yesterday
d) Juan is older than paulo

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DouglasMoraesBR: Claro =)
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