Inglês, perguntado por aluizabacchi684, 3 meses atrás

For me, taking photographs is still a great (1) even though I've been doing it for a good many
years. In the early days, when I produced a photo I was (2) with, I just showed it to relatives and
friends. Later on, I (3) entered my local photography club's (3) and once or twice got a prize.
During this period, I was encouraged by the (4) comments of my friends to send in a set of
pictures to a photo magazine and, to my (5) __, the photographs were published. Taking photographs
is now the way I (6) my living
I know that seeing a photograph in print is a pleasure which a great many photographers would like to (7)
and the promise of receiving fees from it is a welcome added attraction. When you see the number
of books and magazines which are published in Britain alone, you can appreciate what a huge (8)
for photographs there is
While excellent photographs sent off to the right publication have every chance of being used, there's no
(9) that you are more likely to stand out from the crowd if you also send a short article with them.
It's important to remember that if you don't try, you (10) succeed

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Respondido por andreiaaraujo2930


não sei, ent nem adianta perguntar

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