Matemática, perguntado por vanilosilva1, 3 meses atrás

Substitua o sujeito das frases pelos pronomes que melhor se encaixar
A)Mary is going tô travel
B)John Will buy a cara
C) jully loves her dog
D)Chris qnd Pietro study together every friday
E)haver Billy and you already traveled
F)Carlos prefers chocolate
G)the dog loves a boné
H)paul and i Will move out tô another country
I)Bruna likes to Cook
J) Jean and Gabriel are playing
K)Pedro would like to be a doctor
L)Maria bought a house
M)Júlio is handsome
Me ajudem por favor

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a- she

b- he


d- they

e- you

f- he

g- it

h- we

i- she

j- they

k- he

l- she

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