Inglês, perguntado por kim713174, 6 meses atrás

Sublinhe q forma correta do "Subject"ou "Object" pronoun

A)I don'tandestand this exercise.Can you help I/me ,plase?

B)My sister loves cats.She/hee always watches films about them/they

C)This ia my friend's dog Rex.Rex likes he/hum bit doesn't like i/me. He always barks when ,try to come to he/ him.

D) Please ,mum van you take we/us to The zoo? there are two baby memkeys there and we/ us.

E) there's tio mumch pasta on my plate. I/me can't eat it/them

F)I told you/we to be quiet!​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por thainafilgueira3858


A) me

B) she / them

C) him / me / him

D) us

E) i

F) you

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