Inglês, perguntado por eleteriobel, 10 meses atrás

South Koreans and Brazilians have become embroiled in an online battle after racially insensitive comments and gestures were made on air by a popular TV host. The spat began when the South Korean K-pop group KARD appeared on a TV show presented by well-known Brazilian personality Raul Gil Gil began with relatively innocuous banter, asking KARD members if they were single. But when the crowd cheered, he asked why they were reacting in such a way, and made a "slant-eye" gesture. The broadcast kicked off a huge reaction in South Korea, where furious users of the web portal Nate sounded off about Gil and Brazil in general.
3 = Retire do texto 1 frase com wh-question (pronome interrogativo).

Retire do texto os adjetivos usados nos seguintes substantivos: ( lembrete: adjetivos são palavras que dão uma característica ao substantivo)

a tv host =

b- reaction =

C- users =

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