Inglês, perguntado por fernanda5480, 6 meses atrás


1^st Turn the sentences into passive voice:
a) Greg cleans the house.
b) Nicole is writing the book.
c) Tommy repaired the stove.
d) The man was helping the girl when the thief came into the house.
e) Many tourists have visited Austria.
f) They will have completed the lesson before the deadline.
g) They are going to have completed the project before the deadline.
h) I knew Jay would finish the work.

2^nd Turn the sentences into active voice:
a) The work has been being done by Jack.
b) Many cars had been repaired by Harrison.
c) The work will be finished by 8:00 PM.
d) A beautiful lunch is going to be made by Tina tonight.
e) The dishes will be being washed by John.
f) I thought a beautiful breakfast was going to be made by Jennifer.
g) The bills used to be paid by Carlos.
h) The pies would always be made by my mom.
3^rd Which is the correct passive voice for the following sentence:
One of the maids may have taken the jewels.
a) One of the maids may be taken the jewels.
b) The jewels may have being taken by the maids.
c) The jewels may have been taken by one of the maids.
d) One of the maids may have been taking the jewels.

4^th Put the following sentence into the passive voice:
Somebody had provided his family with food.
a) His family had been provided with food.
b) Food has provided his family.
c) They provided food for his family.
d) His family has been provided with food.

5^th Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?
a) Everybody had already left when I arrived.
b) He's telling her what to do with all those old things.
c) Was anything interesting said at the meeting?
d) Who came to the party with you?

6^th What's the correct active voice for the sentence: "Many theorems can be written in four forms".
a) In four forms can write many theorems.
b) One can write many theorems in four forms.
c) We can written many theorems in four forms.
d) They can to write many theorems in four forms.
7^th Rewrite the sentences in Active voice.
a) Cookies is sold by Elise.
b) The bakery was cleaned by my uncle.
c) The book was read by his sister.
d) The dinner was made by her mother.
e) Milk is offered by Paul.

8^th (Unesp) Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de:
When children watch TV, they encounter a wide range of places, people, and information.
a) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information will be encounter.
b) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information are encountered.
c) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information is encountered.
d) When TV was watched, a wide range of places, people, and information are encountered by children.
e) A wide range of places, people, and information will be encountered when children watched TV.
9^th (Unesp) Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de: “You can't wrap a whole mountain range in a blanket”.
a) A whole mountain range can't be wrapped in a blanket.
b) A whole mountain range couldn't be wrapped in a blanket.
c) In a blanket, a whole mountain range isn't wrapped.
d) You can't be wrapped by a whole mountain range.
e) You and a whole mountain range can't be wrapped.
〖10〗^th Complete the sentences in the Active Voice. Use the correct verb form.
Passive Voice
a) The pair of paints can be taken by you.
b) The principal must be obeyed by us.
c) The door was broken.
d) A birthday party will be given here.
e) A cake was eaten by them.

Active Voice:
a) You
b) We
c) The children
d) We
e) They

〖11〗^th A voz passiva de I’m reading the magazine é:
a) The magazine is being read (by me).
b) The magazine was being read (by me).
c) The magazine has been read (by me).
d) The magazine had been read (by me).
e) The magazine were read (by me).

fernanda5480: Preciso de ajudaaaaaaa

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Respondido por felipeaugusto75




espero ter ajudado. tenha um bom estudo

fernanda5480: B é a resposta de qual questão?
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