Socorro alguém me ajudar
1) look at the four images and discuss these questions in small groups.
A) what is the common situation in all these images?
B) who are the participants in each situation?
C) what do the different participants do in each case?
D) what type of preparation is necessary to guarantee the success of this kind of event?
2) suppose you have to make an oral presentation. Which of the aspects below are the most difficult for you?
A) choosig the visual aids
B)working in group
C)being calm
D)making eye contact with the audience
E)putting the presentation together
F)selectig the information
G)keeping the attention of the audience
H)not lavghing
I)speaking clearly
J)waiting for the audience to be quiet
K)using the time appropriately
L)studying for the presentation
por favor alguém me ajudar é para responder em inglês
Soluções para a tarefa
A) What is the common situation in all these images?
A: Someone is doing an oral presentation.
B) Who are the participants in each situation?
A: In the first image, we have a speaker. In the second one we have a teacher. In the third one we have an employee and in the last one we have a lecturer.
C) What do the different participants do in each case?
A: We can’t see the different participants in the first case. In the second, the girl is paying attention on the explanation. In the third, people are hearing the employee and looking at the board that is beside him and in the last one we can’t see any other person but the lecturer.
D) What type of preparation is necessary to guarantee the success of this kind of event?
A: You need to do a serious research about the subject you are going to talk about and you need to be calm and objective.
2 - (Uma pergunta pessoal, então você terá que responder de acordo com suas vivências em apresentações orais. Para te ajudar, traduzi os aspectos):
A) Choosing the visual aids (Escolher os auxílios visuais)
B) Working in group (Trabalhar em grupo)
C) Being calm (Manter a calma)
D) Making eye contact with the audience (Fazer Contato visual com o público).
E) Putting the presentation together (Unir as apresentações)
F) Selecting the information (Selecionar as informações)
G) Keeping the attention of the audience (Manter a atenção no público)
H) Not laughing (Não rir)
I) Speaking clearly (Falar claramente)
J) Waiting for the audience to be quiet (Esperar o público ficar em silêncio)
K) Using the time appropriately (Usar o tempo apropriadamente)
L) Studying for the presentation (Estudar para a apresentação)
Espero ter ajudado ;)