Inglês, perguntado por UltronXrevoluti0n, 9 meses atrás

Sobre a construção gramatical de sentenças no futuro marque a alternativa incorreta;

9. Interrogative phrases ( Frases interrogativas)

A) When we use going to it is necessary to put the verb to be after the auxiliary verb of the future

going to (Quando usamos going to é preciso coloca o verbo to be após o verbo auxiliar do futuro going


B) When we want to ask questions with Will we put the auxiliary verb at the beginning of the

sentence and the question mark at the end (Quando queremos fzer perguntas com o Will colocamos o

verbo auxiliar no inicio da frase e o ponto de interrogação no final.)

C) In English just putting the question mark does not mean having a question. (Em inglês só colocar o

ponto de interrogação não significa ter uma pergunta.)

10.Affirmative phrases ( Frases afirmativas)
A)Affirmative phrases can be made with will and going to to indicate future (As frases afirmativas podem
ser feitas com will e going to para indicar futuro)
B)Affirmative phrases can be made with will and going to in the past. (As frases afirmativas podem ser feitas
com will e going to no passado)
C)Affirmative phrases can be made with will and going to indicate the future, each having a specific form of
use. (As frases afirmativas podem ser feitas com will e going to para indicar futuro, tendo cada um uma forma
especifica de uso.)


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple future with ''will'' and ''going to''

9. Interrogative phrases

A) When we use ''going to'' it is necessary to put the verb ''to be'' after the auxiliary verb of the future ''going to'' >>> incorreta

B) When we want to ask questions with ''Will'' we put the auxiliary verb at the beginning of the sentence and the question mark at the end >>> correta  ✅  

C) In English just putting the question mark does not mean having a question. >>> correta ✅  

10.  Affirmative phrases ( Frases afirmativas)

A) Affirmative phrases can be made with ''will'' and ''going to'' to indicate future >>> correta ✅  

B) Affirmative phrases can be made with ''will'' and ''going to'' in the past. >>> incorreta

C) Affirmative phrases can be made with ''will'' and ''going to'' to indicate the future, each having a specific form of use. >>> correta ✅  

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UltronXrevoluti0n: incrivel a resposta
CremildaBR: obrigada ;)
UltronXrevoluti0n: oi
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