Geografia, perguntado por lucianafonseca605, 11 meses atrás

So why would it matter if the world's biodiversity were to disappear? Well, we often don't
appreciate how much biodiversity does for us. For example, biodiversity provides our food, cleans
our water, provides medicines for curing illness, and even creates the oxygen that we breathe! So,
biodiversity is crucial for enabling us to survive and stay healthy. If we reduce the amount of
biodiversity there is, by driving many species to extinction, then we cannot expect that nature will be
able to keep providing these things for us. We should also remember how much biodiversity makes
us feel happy! Everyone enjoys a walk in the woods, or visiting a nature reserve, or even watching our
favorite animals on television. Think how miserable it would be if there weren't so many animals and
plants to share the world with!

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