Inglês, perguntado por juju123429, 8 meses atrás

só a 1 e a 3 por favor ​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Nelson2012


Number 1

a)  He's feeling a little isolated, isn't he?

b) They weren't talking about the Dutch boy, were they?

c) You aren't leaving your community, are you?

d) They moved to Italy last year, didn't they?

e) She misses her hometown a lot, doesn't she?

f) You don't like living in the suburbs, do you?

Number 3

a) Sally is going to move in with her cousin when she goes to college.

b) She is going to come back from vacation next weekend.

c) When are you going to move out of your parent's house?

d) Will you go back to your old school?

e) Where did your parents grow up?

f) When will you go back to your home town?


Number 1

These sentences are about " tag questions", and they are often used for checking information that we think we know is true. Usually if the main clause is positive, the question tag is negative, and if the main clause is negative, it's positive.

(As tag questions, também chamadas de question tags, são perguntas curtas utilizadas no fim de uma frase para solicitar a confirmação de uma informação dita na frase anterior. Em Portugues é muito comum, inclusive, fazermos tal confirmação através do uso de determinadas palavras ou locuções como né, certo, não é mesmo e não é.

Para saber que verbo/auxiliar deve ser utilizado na tag question, basta passar a frase anterior à vírgula para a forma interrogativa.


They play the guitar, don't they? (Eles tocam violão, não tocam?)

Affirmative: They play the guitar. (Eles tocam violão.)

Interrogative: Do they play the guitar? (Eles tocam violão?) )

The letters a, b and c they are using the present continuous, so we don't need to use any auxiliary verb, but the last three letters: d, e and f it's necessary to use it)

Hope I helped.

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