Inglês, perguntado por allexyavitorialisboa, 9 meses atrás

Simple Present: (1st High School – 1st term)
To love = amar, adorar
I love
You love
He loves
She loves
It loves
We love
You love
They love

3rd Person Singular: He, She, It (Exceptions:)
Regra Geral: acrescenta-se -s aos verbos. e.g She lives in Brazil.
• Verbos terminados em o, s, x, sh, ch, ss,z recebem -es no final. e.g Tom goes to school every morning.
• Verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante, retira-se o y e acrescenta-se ies. e.g Mary studies every day.
• VerboTo have → e.g David has a big family.

1- Use the Simple Present Tense:
a) Joe _______________ to play soccer. (to like)
b) I sometimes ________________ to school. (to walk)
c) Tina ________________ in a hospital. (to work)
d) You ___________________ a new house every year. (to build)
e) Nancy and Mark _______________ every weekend out. (to spend)
f) We _________________ in São Paulo. (to live)

Text: In The Morning:
In the morning, Gloria wakes up at seven o’clock. She brushes her teeth, combs her hair and dresses in her bedroom. Then, she walks into the kitchen and cooks her breakfast.
At eight o’clock, she waves goodbye to her mother and goes to school.

To wake up – acordar
To brush – escovar
To comb – pentear
To wave – acenar

1- Answer:
a) What does Gloria brush?
b) What does Gloria comb?
c) Where does Gloria dress?
d) What does Gloria cook?

1- Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present of the verbs in parentheses:
a) Charles _________________ at 5:45 a.m. (get up)
b) Andrew ___________________ French twice a week. (study)
c) Marcel ____________________ TV after lunch time. (watch)
d) Andressa ___________________ to school after dinner. (go)
e) I __________________ the newspaper in the morning. (read)
f) That monster ______________ only one eye. (have)
g) Those men ________________ Spanish. (teach)

2- Write these sentences in the Interrogative and Negative forms:
a) I speak Italian and English.
I: __________________________________________________________________
N: __________________________________________________________________
b) The boys write a letter every day.
I: __________________________________________________________________
N: __________________________________________________________________
c) Paul washes the car every month.
I: __________________________________________________________________
N: __________________________________________________________________

3- Give short answers:
a) Do you buy many records? No, __________________.
b) Does Peter have a bike? No, __________________.
c) Do I help my friends? Yes, ____________________.
d) Does Mary wash her clothes? Yes, ____________________.

1- Change the sentences to 3rd person singular (He or She).
a) I go to the office.
b) You study French.
c) We work hard.
d) They have breakfast early.
e) I wash my face.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tania2019


1)a) Joe likes to play soccer

b) I sometimes walk to school

c) Tina works in a hospital

d) You build a new house every year

e) Nancy and Mark spend every weekend out

f) we live in São Paulo

a) Charles gets up at 5:45

b) Andrew studies French twice a week

c) Marcel watches tv after lunch time

d) Andressa goes to school after dinner

e) I read newspaper in the morning

f) That monster has only one eye

g) Those men teach spanish

2) Do I speak italian and english?

I don't speak Italian and English

b) Do the boys write a letter every day?

The boys don't write a letter every day

c) Does Paul wash the car every month?

Paul doesn't wash the car every month

3) a) No, I don't

b) No, he doesn't

c) Yes, I do

d) Yes, she does

1) She goes to the office

b) He studies french

c) She works hard

d) He has breakfast early

e) She washes her face


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