Inglês, perguntado por dedemarchioretto, 8 meses atrás


1. Use a forma correta dos verbos entre parênteses.

We to have a nice garden.(to have) a nice garden.
She……………………...(to be) six years old.
Simon………………..(to have) two rabbits and five goldfish.
I ……………………………………………(to be) from Vienna, Austria.

2. Escreva frases negativas. Atenção ao verbo.

My father makes breakfast.

They are eleven.

Danny phones his father on Sundays. …………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Organize as palavras corretamente e forme perguntas. Acrescente - Do ou DOES

when / he / to go / home
they / to clean / the bathroom
Billy / to work / in the supermarket


1. Escreva a tradução das frases.

We are reading a letter.

He is opening the window.

I am playing computer games.

They're drinking a cup of tea.

2 . Escreva frases negativas

We are playing a game.

Susan and her brother are taking photos.

Dad is working in the kitchen.

3. Organize corretamente as palavras para formar perguntas. Acrescente o verb to be e +ing ao verbo principal.

Robin / to ride / his bike

where / she / to go

what / your mother / to do / now

me ajudem prf

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por naathyvanzini
She is six years old
Simon have two rabbits
I am from Vienna

My father did not makes breakfast
They are not eleven
Danny did not phone his father on sundays

When does he will go home ?
Do they cleaned the bathroom?
Does Billy works in the supermarket

Estamos lendo uma carta
Ele está abrindo a janela
Eu estou jogando jogos de computador
Eles estão bebendo uma xícara de chá

We aren’t playing a game
Susan and her brother aren’t taking photos
Dad isn’t working in the kitchen

Is Robin riding his bike ?
Where she is going ?
What your mother is doing now ?

dedemarchioretto: vlw mano me ajudou muito. ^-^
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