Inglês, perguntado por maluslima08, 8 meses atrás

Simple Past (interrogative) 



Write these questions in the past. 

1. Does she buy the newspaper in the shop over there? ............................................... 

2. Do they do their homework in the evening? ............................................................... 

3. Do they have a good holiday? ....................................................................................

4. Do they find any animal in the forest? ...........................................................

5. Is it dark when she gets up in the morning? ......................................................... 


Write questions for these answers. 


1. Where did you go yesterday? 


I went to the park 




My friend arrived at five o´clock 




He said “hello!” 



The film started at seven. 



We went on a excursion.



She visited her aunt. 


................................................................................................ ?  

My grandparents lived in Italy. 



3. Write questions in the past with these words. 


1. when / study English / you  


2. what / do / yesterday / she 


3. like / the film / he       


4. live / in Paris / your parents 


5. walk / down / the road / they 

.........................................................? ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por melzinhapereiradate


Write these questions in the past.  

1. Did she buy the newspaper in the shop over there?

2. Did they do their homework in the evening?

3. Did they have a good holiday?

4. Did they find any animal in the forest?

5. Did it is dark when she gets up in the morning?  

 Write questions for these answers.  

 1. Where did you go yesterday?  

I went to the park  

When did you friend arrive yesterday?

My friend arrived at five o´clock  

 What did you brother say to you?

He said “hello!”  

When did the film start?

 The film started at seven.  

 Where did you go last week?

We went on a excursion.

Who did Maria visit?

She visited her aunt.  

Where did your grandparents live?

My grandparents lived in Italy.  

 3. Write questions in the past with these words.  

 1. When did you study English?  

2. What did she do yesterday?

3. Did he like the film?  

4. Did your parents live in Paris?

5.Did they walk down the road?


A estrutura do Past Simple na forma interrogativa é:

Did + sujeito (he, we, i, Maria, etc..) + verbo no infinitivo ( live, play, visit, go)

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