Inglês, perguntado por josiasantonio353, 4 meses atrás

1) Complete as lacunas do texto abaixo com os verbos que estão entre parênteses, conjugando-os no Simple Past.
My Flight to London
Dear Sylvia, Last month was my first time to fly by myself. I _______ (be) a little nervous, but it ______ (be) amazing! First, I _________ (taKe) a taxi to the international airport terminal. Then, I ___________ (check) in at the counter and ________ (walk) to the departure lounge at Gate 54. I was early, so I didn’t have to wait a long time to go through immigration and security. I ___________ (wait) in the departure lounge for about 25 minutes and then I showed my passport and boarding pass before I __________ (board) the plane. After I boarded the plane, I walked along the aisle and ___________ (find) my seat, and then I ________ (sit) down and __________ (fasten) my seat belt. I was lucky because my seat was a window seat, so I could look outside as the plane took off. After 2 hours, the flight attendants ___________ (serve) us dinner, and then I _________(talK) to the passenger sitting next to me. His name _______(be) Leonardo, and I was surprised to find out that he was also traveling to London to study English for the summer. Finally, I ____________ (watch) an action movie, and then our plane ___________ (land) soon after that. It was a great experience, and I ________(maKe) a lot of friends during my six weeks in England. I’ll e-mail you again after I fly back to Italy next Saturday. See you soon, Michelle :)
a) Como Michelle estava se sentindo ao viajar de avião pela primeira vez?
b) Depois de quantas horas os comissários serviram o jantar?
c) Qual era o nome do passageiro que estava ao lado de Michelle? Por que ela ficou surpresa?
2) Utilizando o verbo to be no passado (WAS-WERE) como auxiliar, forme sentenças negativas e interrogativas a partir das afirmações abaixo:
a) My sister WAS a college student last year. INTERROGATIVA:............................................................................................................................................................................ NEGATIVA:..........................................................................................................................................................................................

b) My classmates WERE in class this morning. INTERROGATIVA:............................................................................................................................................................................ NEGATIVA:..........................................................................................................................................................................................
3) As frases abaixo estão incorretas. Identifique o erro de cada uma delas e reescreva as frases de forma correta no Passado Simples:
a) They maked a lot of plans last night.
b) I didn’t went to the party last weekend.
c) Did she watched TV yesterday?
d) Was did she at the mall yesterday? e) Bruno drinked coffee this morning.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por leticiasegantipc2q1m



1) Complete as lacunas do texto abaixo com os verbos que estão entre parênteses, conjugando-os no Simple Past.

My Flight to London

Dear Sylvia, Last month was my first time to fly by myself. I WAS (be) a little nervous, but it WAS (be) amazing! First, I TOOK  (taKe) a taxi to the international airport terminal. Then, I CHECKED (check) in at the counter and WALKED (walk) to the departure lounge at Gate 54. I was early, so I didn’t have to wait a long time to go through immigration and security. I WAITED (wait) in the departure lounge for about 25 minutes and then I showed my passport and boarding pass before I BOARDED (board) the plane. After I boarded the plane, I walked along the aisle and FOUND (find) my seat, and then I SAT (sit) down and FASTENED (fasten) my seat belt. I was lucky because my seat was a window seat, so I could look outside as the plane took off. After 2 hours, the flight attendants SERVED (serve) us dinner, and then I TALKED (talK) to the passenger sitting next to me. His name WAS (be) Leonardo, and I was surprised to find out that he was also traveling to London to study English for the summer. Finally, I WATCHED (watch) an action movie, and then our plane LANDED (land) soon after that. It was a great experience, and I MADE (maKe) a lot of friends during my six weeks in England. I’ll e-mail you again after I fly back to Italy next Saturday. See you soon, Michelle :)

a) Como Michelle estava se sentindo ao viajar de avião pela primeira vez?

She was a little nervous. ( Ela estava um pouco nervosa).

b) Depois de quantas horas os comissários serviram o jantar?

After two hours. ( Depois de duas horas).

c) Qual era o nome do passageiro que estava ao lado de Michelle? Por que ela ficou surpresa?

Leonardo, she was surprised because he was also traveling to London to study English for the summer. (Leonardo, ela ficou surpresa porque ele estava também viajando para Longes para estudar Inglês para o verão).

2) Utilizando o verbo to be no passado (WAS-WERE) como auxiliar, forme sentenças negativas e interrogativas a partir das afirmações abaixo:

a) My sister WAS a college student last year.

INTERROGATIVA: Was my sister a college student last year?

NEGATIVA: My sister wasn't a college student last year.

b) My classmates WERE in class this morning.

INTERROGATIVA:Were my classmates in class this morning?

NEGATIVA: My classmates weren't in class this morning.

3) As frases abaixo estão incorretas. Identifique o erro de cada uma delas e reescreva as frases de forma correta no Passado Simples:

a) They maked a lot of plans last night.

They made a lot of plans last night.

b) I didn’t went to the party last weekend.

I didn't go to the party last weekend.

c) Did she watched TV yesterday?

Did she watch TV  yesterday?

d) Was did she at the mall yesterday?

Was she at the mall yesterday?

e) Bruno drinked coffee this morning.

Bruno drank coffee this morning.



Espero ter ajudado, por gentileza deixe uma boa avaliação. Abraços!!!

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